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Through Shirley's Eyes

Brinda Sue Robinson
138 pages

Who I Am "My name is Shirley, I am the eldest of three sisters, the daughter of Alec and Clara, and the first grand-baby of Julia. I am not a woman given to long, deep, conversations- rather long, deep thoughts. I was brought up in the South in the 1940's, during a time when black folks were still referred to as "colored" and white men roamed the countryside in pointy, white hats" Destiny Some say life is a simple string of coincidences tied together by insignificance, no more than random shifting, a leaf floating on life's current having no destination or determination; but, I am persuaded otherwise. I believe that God, the Creator of the universe, has a plan for your life- just like He had for mine!

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Comment by: Brinda Robinson

Through Shirley's Eyes; Reviews and sample pages can be found on Amazon.com. Everyone that has read it say they can't put it down. They say it brings back fond memories of childhood. Shirley's Eyes is full of both laughter and some tears. The fact that it is seen through the eyes of a child only adds to it's pure, honestly. A reader said it's positioned between the Color Purple and the Help.
I'd love to send you a copy. I look to hear from you soon.

Brinda Sue Robinson

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