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By Any Greens Necessary: A Revolutionary Guide for Black Women Who Want to Eat Great, Get Healthy, Lose Weight, and Look Phat

Tracye Lynn McQuirter
Chicago Review Press
240 pages
Reviewed by Davie Celeste

TAGS: Tracye Lynn McQuirter, Chicago Review Press, vegan, plant-based diet, nutrition

Public health nutrition and vegan lifestyle expert Tracye McQuirter delivers a practical, comprehensive guide to living a healthier life through plant-based nutrition with her national best-selling book By Any Greens Necessary: A Revolutionary Guide for Black Women Who Want to Eat Great, Get Healthy, Lose Weight, and Look Phat.

McQuirter first emphasizes the importance of green eating by breaking down major factors that greatly influence consumers and their daily eating habits. She also examines how the consumption of food can either aid or help prevent many of the chronic conditions that disproportionately plague the African American community.  Her personal narratives highlight her commitment to educating her community about the importance of participating in healthier nutritional practices. McQuirter also does a good job of debunking popular myths centered around food consumption and how the body acquires nutrients like protein. Yes, protein is a nutrient.

McQuirter’s segments regarding the meat industry are not for the faint-hearted. In chapters three through six, she explicitly examines various issues including chronic illness, animal cruelty, and deficiencies in federal regulations surrounding meat production in America.  Accounting for a significant part of the book, her in-depth analysis regarding the consumption and production of meat and animal by-products is both informative and, at times, overwhelming. Dedicating a chapter per animal, McQuirter’s overlapping details regarding factory conditions and the treatment of animals became a bit distracting.

In chapters seven through ten, McQuirter goes a step further and offers several resources to help readers make better nutritional decisions and to transition to a more plant-based diet.  Readers benefit from McQuirter’s breakdown of how carbs benefit the body, how a plant-based lifestyle aids in weight loss, and strategies for transitioning to vegan foods. Readers who are considering transitioning  will also benefit from her comprehensive collection of vegan recipes at the back of the book.

You do not have to be Black or a woman to benefit from this well-written, informative guide.  McQuirter provides great information, tips, and strategies that anyone looking to lead a healthier, greener lifestyle can utilize.


Davie Celeste is is an artist, educator, and entrepreneur. She is the CEO of A DC Tutor LLC, a company that provides student-centered, educational services to clients in the Washington, DC area. She is also the founder of FYSM™, a movement that celebrates creative and independent thinkers. She loves writing and experimenting with music, telling stories, reading young adult novels, and making jewelry.

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