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Just Ask Kiky: A Single Parents Guide to Being Broke and Having a Social Life

Nickiya Brown
Just Ask Kiky, Inc.
62 pages

I’m broke. What can I do? When I was a single mom of two, funds were always tight. In order to keep my sanity, I found family-friendly things that I could do within my budget. That means all things that are in the monetary range of FREE to FREE; well sometimes there may be a small fee involved. I’m now married with a new little one so the need to save money has not changed. What can you do for FREE? Funny you should ask, because you can do a whole lot more than you think!

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I’m broke. What can I do? When I was a single mom of two, funds were always tight. In order to keep my sanity, I found family-friendly things that I could do within my budget. That means all things that are in the monetary range of FREE to FREE; well sometimes there may be a small fee involved. I’m now married with a new little one so the need to save money has not changed. What can you do for FREE? Funny you should ask, because you can do a whole lot more than you think!

This book is about finding resourceful ways to enjoy life and saving money doing. I documented the several resources I used when I was a single parent raising two children, to still be able to be socially connected with the rest of the world. After being bombarded with family and friend questions on where to go and what to do, I decided to put it all in a book.
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